Brown Drake

Although it’s typically not our top pick to imitate most Brown Drakes here in the East, we do sell this and use this as an attractor type fly or when any larger mayflies are hatching. He did although, in all fairness, create this for the Western Brown Drakes and we…

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Blue Dun

A great early season choice especially. Use for Blue Quills, Dark Hendricksons, BWOs, Insonychias….and the list goes on. The Blue Dun is as classic as it gets…yet still highly effective. Classic Blue Dun traditional style dry fly with duck quill wings. This is another “old school” fly that has been…

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Black Gnat

Great for fishing early and late in the day and a must have attractor pattern. When the popular stuff ain’t working, try this and see what happens! The Black Gnat is a traditional style, duck quill winged black dry fly. It’s about as old school as it gets and we have had…

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Ant Acid – Galloup’s

One of Kelly’s most popular and successful flies of all-time. This is truly one of the best dry flies ever made….ant or not. Kelly Galloup’s Ant Acid may well be one of the most productive dry flies of all-time. It’s that good. Absolutley top pick as a dry fly here.…

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Aero Redlegs

This fly is an amazing imitation of the Deer Flies, or True Flies that are so prevalent around here in the Summer months. They will literally pile up so thick under bridges and on tress that it looks like a beehive. Truly one of the most overlooked dry flies of…

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Adams Parachute

A parachute style fly, although can be used in rough water, is more known for smooth, flat water. These ride a bit lower on the water than the standard hackled version and therefore create a more lifelike sillhouette. The classic Adams dry pattern tied parachute style. White post aids visibility…

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The Adams was developed by Leonard Halladay from Mayfield, Michigan in 1922. We was encouraged to do so by his friend Charles Adams….thus the name. It has since become one of the most famous, if not THE most famous dry fly of all-time. The Adams is one of the most…

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