Galloup’s – Sunk Spinner PMD

Galloup’s – Sunk Spinner PMD

Truly a most versatile trout fly! As described in his book, “Cripples and Spinners”, he designed this fly as a sunk spinner but in our eyes, he may have just made the ultimate soft hackle. We trail these behind both nymphs and dry flies and it’s a top producer for us. Simply a great trout fly.

The Galloup’s Sunk Spinner in the PMD/Sulpher variation is just another on a long list of exceptional flies from our friend Kelly Galloup. The sunk spinner is great in the film or subsurface after a spinner fall. But is also a great emerger, excellent swung as a wet, and fishes well as a nymph. We carry this in our trout box all year.

Truly a most versatile trout fly! As described in his book, “Cripples and Spinners”, he designed this fly as a sunk spinner but in our eyes, he may have just made the ultimate soft hackle. We trail these behind both nymphs and dry flies and it’s a top producer for us. Simply a great trout fly.

Sizes 16 and 18.

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